
Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that is not answered here, please send an email using the "contact the admin" link at the bottom.

How do I access my Ngumbi page?

If you don't have your Ngumbi page set as your homepage yet, or you are using someone else's device, then:

  1. Go to ngumbi.com in a web browser
  2. Type in your Ngumbi username and hit Enter

How's that for easy and fast? Set it as your homepage to use it often. Save it as a bookmark in your smartphone's web browser. Use it for quick access to your links if you're at someone else's computer. You get the idea, use it how you want.

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How do I set my Ngumbi homepage in the Google Chrome web browser?

  1. Click Chrome's 3-dot menu at the top right and choose Settings.
  2. Click the Appearance category on the left, then toggle "Show home button".
  3. Select the second radio button and then type or copy in the address of your Ngumbi page, like http://www.ngumbi.com/user/yourname.
    (You can also set the home page by dragging the icon to the left of the address into the Home button. But you need the Home button enabled first.)
  4. To open a new tab right to your Ngumbi page, you can middle-click (scroller) on the Home button or hold the Ctrl key and click the Home button.
    You can also have the New Tab button open your homepage by using the Chrome extension called New Tab Redirect and save your Ngumbi page address there as well.
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How do I set my Ngumbi homepage in the Firefox web browser?

  1. Go to your Ngumbi page in Firefox first.
  2. Click Firefox's 3-line menu at the top right and choose Settings.
  3. Click the Home category on the left.
  4. Change the first dropdown menu to "Custom URLs..." and then click the "Use Current Pages" button so it loads your current page as homepage.
    (You can also set the home page by dragging the icon to the left of the address into the Home button.)
  5. To open a new tab right to your Ngumbi page, you can middle-click (scroller) on the Home button or hold the Ctrl key and click the Home button.
    You can also have the New Tab button open your homepage by using the Firefox extension called New Tab Override. By default it will use your current homepage.
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What is "ngumbi"?

"Ngumbi" is the Chichewa word for flying termites found in Africa that sometimes make a tasty fried snack. For more information go here. This site isn't related to real ngumbi at all so I hope no ngumbi fans are offended. I got the idea from a friend in Malawi and one of the biggest reasons for the name is that it wasn't taken! Also, it's one word and short so it's easy to recognize and remember.

It could have been more self-explanatory, like mylaunchpad.com, but I guess the sitter who owned that domain didn't like my offer.

(actual email text)
me: how much you want for it?
ross: We will consider all offers.
me: $25
ross: Thanks but no thanks.

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How do I change the number of columns?

Currently you can only have one or two columns. An option to change the number of columns is definitely on the list of features to add. Stay tuned.

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Is this site affiliated with Google or Yahoo?

No. Google, Yahoo!, and others make their search feature available for people and businesses to put on their websites for free (because it makes money).

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What privacy does Ngumbi offer?

Not much if any. For ease of use, a password is not required to access your homepage so anyone could type in your user name if they knew it and see your links. We don't ask for any personal information, not even email, so you don't really risk anything besides someone seeing what links are on your page.

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